Download Chapter 1 of The Soul Quake Survival Guide

The debut book from Teresa Shantz, Enthusiasm Activist and Author. The Soul Quake Survival Guide looks at how to move through soul shaking moments in your journey by accessing the Spiritual part of life, interwoven with Teresa's own journey as a sensitive empath.

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    Recognizing Your Sensitivity

    How long have you been sensitive to your environment and energy? How would you recognize if you having an inner soul quake? In this book I share personal stories of walking through life as an extremely sensitive person, and challenging moments that I survived by working with the Spiritual part of life.

    Checking-in with Yourself

    How are you feeling right now? How is your body feeling right now? Being able to acknowledge what's you and what's your body feeling can support the next steps for where you are at in your journey. My Soul Quake Richter Scale can be used as a guide to pinpoint what you are feeling in those soul quaking moments.

    Energetically Speaking

    It's impossible to write about Soul Quakes without sharing the importance of understanding how our energetic body works and how we are influenced by energy every moment. Journey with me through keeping it simple spiritually and gathering a bigger picture perspective to support you along your path.