READY to ignite your natural INTUITION?

You have psychic abilities. We all do!

You experience impressions as:

  • Premonitions "just KNOWING"
  • SEEING from "mind's eye"
  • HEARING "the still small voice within"
  • Gut FEELINGS and "inner healing"

8 years ago Teresa was UNAWARE of her soul sensitivity leading to feeling like a "hot energetic mess" most days.

8 years ago Tom felt STUCK in a place where he was unclear about his direction, overthinking, and not recognizing solutions.

Today, they both have shifted to more CLARITY by recognizing their innate PSYCHIC ABILITIES. They have CLEAR DIRECTION, less INNER STRESS, and feel more INNER FREEDOM. All of this by accessing their daily hunches, insights and impressions.

At the Get In Sync Masterclass we will share DEEPLY PERSONAL stories of our SPIRITUAL history and how we EMBRACE our psychic sensitivities, so that you can too.

You will walk away with more INSIGHT, AWARENESSES, and ENTHUSIASM around:

  • KNOWING with confidence
  • SEEING where you fit in your situations
  • HEARING from the higher Spirit for solutions
  • Trusting those gut FEELINGS

To GET IN SYNC & increase your SELF-MASTERY you are able to:


NO replay- You must attend this LIVE to access.


Eastern Time 11am

June 29th

60 minutes

We look forward to sharing with you soon!

Teresa & Tom